ARTICLE 1. In addition to the procedure for the passage of legislation outlined in the Constitution, the [ beep country ] Cabinet is also authorized to enact Laws.. . . ARTICLE 2. National The laws enacted by the [ beep country ] Cabinet may deviate from the Constitution provided they C not affect the position of the [ beep upper parliament ] and the [ beep lower parliament ].The powers of the [ beep head of state ] remain unaffected. ARTICLE 3. National The laws enacted by the [ beep country ] Cabinet shall Be prepared by the [beep head of government ] and published in the official gazette. They come into effect, unless otherwise specified, upon the day following to their publication. . . ARTICLE 4. Treaties of the [ beep country ] with foreign states which concern matters of domestic legislation C not require the authorizes of the bodies participating in legislation. The [ beep country ] Cabinet is empowered to resulting the necessary provisions for the implementing of these treaties.